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NYCY Office of General Affairs


  • Others

  • Update Date:2024-08-16
  • Units:The 1st Division of Construction and Maintenance
Power outage notice (Electric Meter Replacement Project)
Power outage areas: 4th Faculty Dormitory , 5th Men's Dormitory and 5th Women's Dormitory .
Power outage period: August 29th, 2024 (Thursday) 09:00~12:00.
Project Name: Electric Meter Replacement Project
Due to the necessary electric meter replacement project, a power outage will be implemented. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please turn off or unplug any electrical appliances in use before the power outage to prevent damage.
1st Division of Construction and Maintenance Mr.Hsu #62064.
Contractor : KLD company Mr. Yeah 0912-254524