Update Date:2022-05-23
Units:Office of General Affairs
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Guidelines for the Lease and Management of the Staff Dormitory
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Guidelines for the Lease and Management of the Staff Dormitory
Passed during the 7th Administrative Meeting on April 27, 2022 in the 2021–2022 academic year
Approved by the Ministry of Education (Letter No. 1110050637) on May 23, 2022
1. To manage staff dormitories fairly and effectively, NYCU formulated the following guideline pursuant to statutes such as those found in the Dormitory Management Handbook promulgated by the Executive Yuan and in accordance with the demands of the University.
2. Staff dormitories are classified into the following categories:
(1) Agency head Quarters: Dormitory for the president of the University during their term of office.
(2) Multiple-room staff dormitories:
a. Yangming Campus: Available for full-time assistant professors, associate professors, and professors; full-time research staff with a Ph.D. degree; and approved personnel who require dormitories because of the nature of their jobs.
b. Chiaotung Campus: Available for full-time faculty members and staff within the staffing complement of the University.
c. Tenants living with their spouses, minor children, parents, or adult children with disabilities who require the care of the tenant may apply for the multiple-room staff dormitories. Tenants living without the aforementioned family members may also apply for the multiple-room staff dormitories after they have worked in the University for more than 3 years.
(3) Single-room staff dormitories:
a. Yangming Campus: Available for full-time assistant professors, associate professors, and professors; full-time research staff; and contract project teachers. Personnel who require accommodation because of the nature of their jobs may rent a room. Project teachers may rent family-type studios or rooms.
b. Chiaotung Campus: Available for full-time faculty members and staff within the staffing complement or contract teachers and research fellows.
3. Regulations for personnel ineligible to apply for staff dormitories:
If any of the following is applicable for full-time personnel within the staffing complement of the University or their spouses, they may not apply for staff dormitories. Those who have already rented staff dormitories must move out within 3 months and return the dormitory to the management unit:
(1) Personnel who may not rent staff dormitories as specified in the Dormitory Management Handbook.
(2) Personnel who have violated rules and have been informed that they must move out of staff dormitories.
If the applicant and the applicant’s spouse, who were granted a government-subsidized housing loan with interest but have fully paid back the outstanding amount, have submitted proof of payment issued by the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior during the announcement period, they may apply for staff dormitories pursuant to this Guideline.
4. Each campus may evaluate the status of its dormitories and reserve some dormitories for new teachers. The procedures for applying for and leasing dormitories are as follows:
(1) Applicant: During the announcement period, new full-time teachers within the staffing complement and who are eligible to apply for staff dormitories may apply for dormitories to the First Division of Property and Business Management and Second Division of Property and Business Management attached to General Affairs Office (hereinafter referred to as “the management unit”) 1 month before employment and within the first year of employment.
(2) Application procedure: The management unit shall announce when staff dormitories become available in January and July for 20 calendar days each year. The applicant shall provide their proof of employment, a copy of their highest education diploma/certificate, an application form, proof-of-identity documents (if applicants are applying for multiple-room staff dormitories, they must also include the household registration records of their family members), and a cumulative points certificate when they submit their application during the announcement period.
(3) Applicants may rent for a maximum of 3 years.
(4) New teachers may not apply for relocation to other dormitories allocated for new teachers. However, they may apply for long-term staff dormitories.
(5) The University provides fixed equipment in new teachers’ dormitories, namely a water heater and kitchen counter. Tenants must provide all other furniture and equipment themselves.
(6) The rights and obligations of tenants in new teachers’ dormitories are the same as those of tenants in long-term staff dormitories unless otherwise specified in this Guideline and other regulations.
5. The standard for the calculation of cumulative points for the allocation and relocation of staff dormitories:
(1) One point for every NT$10 in salary point:
The management unit calculates dormitory points by using information obtained from the Personnel Office. If an applicant’s information changes, the applicant may submit an application for point adjustment, with documents of proof included, to the management unit.
(2) Seniority:
1. Seniority (i.e., years of service) will be calculated from the first day of work to the last day of the month before the month when dormitory distribution was announced; employees will be awarded one point for every 3 months of employment. Seniority calculation will begin in the month in which the tenant assumes their current position at the University.
2. For tenants whose seniority is noncontinuous, seniority will be calculated as the total seniority at the University.
3. For jointly-appointed professors, only the years in which they were paid by the University will count toward their seniority.
4. For visiting professors who continue to work at the University after the duration of their visit, the seniority within the duration of the visit will count toward their seniority points.
5. For people who are on leave without pay, the leave period will not be included in seniority point calculations.
(3) For applicants living with a spouse, minor children, parents (either their own or their spouse’s), or adult children with disabilities who rely on the applicants, 3 points will be awarded for each dependent for up to 15 points.
(4) When both an applicant and his/her spouse work for the University and are within the staffing complement of the University, their points may be calculated together, with the higher of the two sets of points used as a basis and 30% of the other set of seniority and salary points added to this basis.
(5) Applicants are awarded 6 points when neither they nor their spouse, minor children, or family members listed on the application form own a residence in Taiwan. Applicants are awarded 4 points when they own a residence in Taiwan but meet the following conditions
1. Apply the Yang Ming campus dormitories: their own residence is not in Taipei City or New Taipei City.
2. Apply the Chiao Tung campus dormitories: their own residence is not in Hsinchu City, Hsinchu County, Taoyuan City, Taoyuan County, or Miaoli County.
When an applicant co-owns a residence and their share of the ownership is 10 ping or less and when they submit a declaration stating that they do not live in that residence or rent out that residence, they are eligible to receive points.
(6) When an applicant has a disability or his/her spouse or direct family members have disabilities and live with the applicant, the applicant will receive 1, 2, 3, or 4 points when the level of disability is mild, moderate, severe, or profound, respectively.
(7) The Chair Professor will receive 8 points.
(8) To facilitate recruitment of talent, when a new teacher applies to live in new-teacher dormitories in accordance with Article 4 and also serves as a first-level or second-level administrative supervisor, they shall receive an additional 10 and 5 points, respectively.
When the applicant meets the specifications of subparagraph 6, they must submit a photocopy of the disability ID during the announcement period. If they do not submit the document before the deadline, they will not receive the associated points. For applicants of single-room staff dormitories, only the personal points discussed in subparagraphs 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 will be considered.
6. Staff dormitory distribution and change procedure:
(1) In May and November of each year, when dormitories are available for rent, the management unit will post an announcement for 20 calendar days. During the announcement period, the management unit will accept distribution or change applications. In February and August of each year, additional announcements may be madedepending on whether dormitory rooms have been vacated.
(2) During the announcement period, applicants should submit an application form, a copy of their personal ID (applicants applying for multiple rooms must also provide their spouse’s household registration record), and documented proof that they meet the conditions for receiving additional points to the management unit. If the application deadline is on a holiday, the deadline will be extended to the first working day following the holiday.
(3) For each announcement period, applicants may choose to apply for residence in either single-room or multiple-room staff dormitories, not for both.
(4) Dormitory rooms will be distributed in accordance with Article 5 of these Guidelines, and renting will be prioritized on the basis of the number of points the applicants have. When applicants have an identical number of points, the applicants with longer service in the University will be prioritized. When applicants have the same length of service, lots will be drawn to determine who is prioritized.
(5) People who apply to change to dormitory rooms of the same type and people who had moved out and re-apply to live in the same type of dormitory will have a lower priority than first-time applicants. However, applicants who have minor children and applied to move to another dormitories with more rooms, or who had applied to live in new-teacher dormitories and then applied to move to long-term staff dormitories are not subject to this lower prioritization.
(6) The list of applicants who are allocated dormitory rooms must be approved by the first-level supervisor of the General Affairs Office. These applicants will then be allowed to select a dormitory room according to their level of priority.
(7) Applicants who are allocated a dormitory room but relinquish the right to live in the dormitory before signing the lease will not be allowed to apply again for 1 year, starting from the subsequent dormitory distribution period.
(8) Dormitory vacancies resulting from the applicants who were allocated a room relinquishing their claim to that room or not signing the dormitory contract or completing the notarization process will be filled by the applicant who is next in line with respect to their priority level.
(9) Applicants with special needs may apply for dormitories in different campuses following the approval of the president. Such applicants must follow the regulations of this Guideline and submit their application during the announcement period. The allocation of dormitories is to be based on the points of the applicants. Applicants may rent for a maximum of 3 years and renew their rent once.
7. Regulations for staff dormitory charges, lease signing, hand over, and notarization:
(1) For dormitory management, water and electricity (including those for public areas), and gas fees will be deducted from the renter’s salary each month, and tenants should return housing allowances. Fee calculation begins from the day on which the dormitory room is handed over and continues to the day on which it is returned.
(2) The management unit will provide the staff member with the keys on the day on which the dormitory is handed over. Tenants will be responsible for taking care of the dormitory room from that day on.
(3) Dormitory room tenants must be working for the University. The following limitation will be applied to the duration of the rental period:
1. Staff within the staffing complement of the University may rent the same type of staff dormitory room for up to 15 years. This 15-year period continues if the staff member changes rooms and moves into the same type of staff dormitory room. The total duration of renting various types of dormitory rooms, including multiple-room and single-room dormitory rooms, may not exceed 25 years. In addition, the University may reserve a part of multiple-room or single-room staff dormitories for new teachers to live in for up to 3 years.
2. Pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 3 of this Guideline, contract personnel may rent single-room staff dormitories for 5 years. Their eligibility after 5 years depends on the circumstances at the time.
3. Each chief of each district of Chiaotung Campus may extend their lease for 1 year for every year they serve as chief and may extend their lease for up to 2 years.
Regulations in this paragraph do not apply to past contracts. Tenants who have rented dormitories before the merging of the two universities and the announcement of this Guideline must follow their original contract.
(4) Upon receiving rental application approval, the tenant must sign a lease with court notarization within 15 days while receiving notification of this approval from the management unit . The notarization fee must be paid by the tenant. If the lease signing and notarization are not completed within 15 days, the applicant will be assumed to have voluntarily relinquished their claim to renting the dormitory room.
8. The following circumstances will cause an applicant to lose their right to rent a dormitory room; they will not be allowed to sign a contract, or their contract will be immediately terminated. In addition, they will lose the right to apply to live in a staff dormitory for 2 years.
(1) The applicant relinquished their claim to the room after signing the contract or did not move into the room within 3 months after signing the contract.
(2) The applicant provided false information in their application that affected the dormitory distribution results.
Applicants do not face suspension of dormitory allocation if they meet the aforementioned conditions because of reasons out of their control.
9. The obligations and responsibilities of the tenants:
(1) Tenants of multiple-room staff dormitories must prepare their own equipment and furniture.
(2) In principle, tenants of single-room staff dormitories must purchase their own equipment and furniture. However, each campus may make other arrangements. The equipment and appliances in the pubic area of family-type staff dormitories may be provided by the University depending on the fund, and tenants may not specify any equipment or appliance to be provided.
(3) Tenants must exercise due care toward the equipment and public furniture in dormitories. Tenants must maintain the indoor space within their dormitory.
(4) During the lease, the University may arrange scheduled or unscheduled inspections or investigations of the usage of dormitories, and tenants may not avoid, obstruct, or refuse such inspections or investigations.
(5) The management and fees for the family quarters are the same as those for the staff dormitories.
10. Regulations for applying for changing dormitories:
(1) The following are applicable when the tenant applies to change dormitories:
1. In cases where the tenant wishes to move from a multiple-room staff dormitory to another multiple-room dormitory, if the tenant’s stay in the original dorm room is less than 5 years, the tenant must pay a NT$100,000 evacuation and inspection fee. Individuals applying to change dormitories for a second or more times, will be charged NT$100,000 regardless of how long they have been in the dormitory.
2. In cases where the tenant wishes to move from a single-room staff dormitory to another single-room dormitory, applicants who have not lived in the dormitory for more than 6 months must pay a NT$10,000 evacuation and inspection fee.
3. In cases where tenants have moved out of a dormitory for less than 6 months, reapplied to live in a dormitory, and had their application approved, the tenants are considered to be applying to change dormitories and must pay an evacuation and inspection fee.
(2) Tenants relocating from a single-room staff dormitory to another single-room staff dormitory must return the previous dormitory within 1 month of receiving the new dormitory. For other types of dormitories, tenants must return the previous dormitory within 3 months of receiving the new dormitory.
(3) Staff dormitories that are vacated because of relocation must be announced and allocated by the University according to specified procedures.
11. The allocation of dormitories is suspended for applicants to which any of the following conditions apply:
(1) Teachers hired or seconded to other schools or institutions and not paid by the University.
(2) Applicants on temporary leave without salary.
(3) Applicants on temporary leave with salary for more than 1 year.
12. Regulations for the return of dormitories:
(1) Tenants of staff dormitories who have transferred, left, retired, been suspended, transitioned from full-time staff to part-time staff, taken temporary leave without salary, or been relieved of their job must move out of the dormitories within 3 months unless otherwise stated in the relevant law or the Dormitory Management Handbook. Tenants who have been dismissed, suspended, or removed must move out within 1 month. The family of a deceased tenant shall move out within 3 months. However, tenants who take temporary leave without salary to care for a child under the age of 3 years pursuant to the law are limited to the aforementioned regulations.
(2) The University may terminate the contract and the tenant must move out within a certain period if any of the following situations occur:
1. The Dormitory Management Handbook requires the termination of the contract.
2. The dormitories are being demolished for the development of the University.
3. The tenant has not paid a certain amount of the dormitory management fee, utility fee, or public fee and has failed to pay the fees within a certain period after they have been informed of the late payment.
4. The tenant does not cooperate with the inspection of the usage of the dormitory, the tenant rarely lives in the dormitory, and any other unusual situation.
5. The tenant does not live in the dormitory and has partially or completed leased, lent, exchanged, transferred, expanded, or remodeled the dormitory or has used the dormitory for commercial or other purposes.
6. Any other serious offences confirmed by the Staff Dormitory Management Committee.
13. Procedures for the return of dormitories:
(1) Tenants who intend to return the dormitory early shall inform the University 1 month in advance to facilitate accounting and cashier operations.
(2) Tenants shall vacate their personal belongings and clean up waste within the prescribed period. Otherwise, the University shall dispose of all belongings as waste and charge tenants for the price of waste disposal, which tenants may not dispute.
(3) The management unit shall inspect the dormitory during the transfer. If basic facilities are damaged or missing, the tenant shall be responsible for the loss or damages.
(4) The tenant shall pay the dormitory management fee and all other fees.
(5) If the tenant moves out of the dormitory before completing the aforementioned procedures, the tenant is still responsible for the dormitory and must compensate for damages to the dormitory.
14. When tenants of multiple-room staff dormitories are seconded to other institutions but continue in their current position, they may continue to rent the dormitory if necessary and if the University consents. However, they must choose to rent either a dormitory at the University or a dormitory at the other institution.
15. To fully vitalize and utilize financial and public assets, staff dormitories that remain vacated for a long time after announcements may be leased to faculty and staff within and not within the staffing complement of the University and staff following the approval of the president. Multiple-room staff dormitories are only available for full-time faculty members and staff living with their spouse, minor children, parents, and adult children with disabilities who require the care of the tenant.
The procedures for leasing are to be announced sporadically by the management unit, and points shall be calculated and dormitories allocated pursuant to Article 5 of this Guideline. Each lease shall not exceed 3 years, and future leases depend on circumstances at the time.
16. The Charge-related Guidelines, Repair Regulations, Convention, and Self-Governance Regulations for Staff Dormitory are established separately, and tenants must follow these regulations as well.
17. The Dormitory Management Handbook and other applicable regulations shall govern any matter not mentioned in this Guideline.
18. This Guideline shall be implemented after the Administrative Meeting has passed and submitted it to the Ministry of Education for approval. The same procedure is applicable to any amendment thereto.