


  • 交通資訊與管理

  • 發布日期:113-09-27
  • 更新日期:113-09-27
  • 發布單位:事務一組
「山麓學生宿舍(男、女五舍)」汽車停車格位分配公告 Car Parking Space Allocation for Shan-lu Student Dormitories (Men's Dormitory 5 and Women's Dormitory 5)
Car Parking Space Allocation for Shan-lu Student Dormitories
(Men's Dormitory 5 and Women's Dormitory 5)
  1. 汽車採固定停車格位,名單自113年10月1日起生效,未停放指定車格之車輛視同違規,逕行舉發。
  2. 請於113年10月14日前至事務一組領取停車識別證,並開通停車權限,未於期限內完成領證將關閉通行權限至領證後開放。


  1. Each car parking space is exclusively fixed for a particular student. The list will be effective from Oct. 1st, 2024. All vehicles must be parking in the particular space. Failure to parking in the particular space will be considered a violation and will be dealt with per the Guidelines for Traffic Management at Yangming Campus of NYCU.
  2. Shang-lou dormitory area student are required to collect their parking ID cards at the 1st Division of General Affairs by Oct. 14th, 2024, and then activate their parking privileges. Failure to do so by the deadline will result in access being closed until collection.
  • 聯絡人: [ 林睿澤 ym.josh123@nycu.edu.tw 62214]