


  • 交通資訊與管理

  • 發布日期:114-01-06
  • 更新日期:114-01-06
  • 發布單位:事務一組
【事務一、二組】本校「陽明-光復校區接駁車」(簡稱陽光線)施行使用者付費部分分攤機制詳如說明,請查照。The details of NYCU's Implementation of a user-pays cost-sharing mechanism for the Yangming-Guangfu campus shuttle service (the YG Route) are outlined below for your reference.

The details of NYCU's Implementation of a user-pays cost-sharing mechanism for the Yangming-Guangfu campus shuttle service (the YG Route) are outlined below for your reference.
1. To enhance the efficiency of the Yangming-Guangfu campus shuttle service and ensure sustainable operation, a user-pays cost-sharing mechanism will be implemented. The exact implementation date will be announced separately.

2. Cost-sharing rates, payment methods, and other relevant information:
(1) Cost-sharing rate: NT$30 per ride.
(2) Payment method: Payment can only be made using EasyCards.
   1. University staff and student ID cards with EasyCard functions can be topped
up and used directly.
   2. EasyCards can be topped up at campus convenience stores.
   3. Credit cards with EasyCard functions will be automatically topped up when
tapped for payment.
(3) Other important notes:
Individuals who believe they qualify for fare discounts or subsidies due to special circumstances should contact their respective departments to explore possible arrangements. However, all passengers are still required to pay using EasyCards upon boarding.
(4) Process and FAQs:
Please refer to the diagrams below for detailed procedures and answers to frequently asked questions.
  • 聯絡人: [ 林睿澤 ym.josh123@nycu.edu.tw 62214]