


  • 教職員住宿服務

  • 發布日期:112-11-02
  • 更新日期:112-11-02
  • 發布單位:經營管理一組
主旨:本校陽明校區教師職務宿舍自112年11月6日至112年11月25日止公告受理申請借用,敬請轉知所屬知照,請查照。(Announcement of accepting applications to rent the Yangming Campus teacher's dormitory)





  • 山腰村57號(33.9坪、3房1廳2衛、3/5樓)。
  • 山麓村C301(33.1坪、3房2廳2衛、3/5樓)。
  • (以上兩間預計113年1月提供入住),做為長期宿舍使用。
(二)單房間職務宿舍(雅房):山麓村B201-2、B201-3(以上2間限女生)、B301-2 (限男生)、B401-2 、B401-3(男女不拘)共5間,借用期限最多三年。








The Application of New Faculty’ Dormitory
  • Location: Yangming Campus
  • Application period: From November 6, 2023 to November 25, 2023.
  • Eligibility: 
    1. Multiple-room staff dormitories: Available for full-time assistant professors, associate professors, and professors; full-time research staff with a Ph.D. degree.
    2. Single-room staff dormitories:Available for full-time assistant professors, associate professors, and professors; full-time research staff; and contract project teachers. Personnel who require accommodation because of the nature of their jobs may rent a room. Project teachers may rent family-type studios or rooms.
  • Application procedure: 
    1. Please apply through the following path: NYCU Portal / NYCU Campus/ Teacher dormitory management system.
    2. During the announcement period, applicants should submit an application form, a copy of their personal ID (applicants applying for multiple rooms must also provide their spouse’s household registration record), and documented proof that they meet the conditions for receiving additional points to the management unit. If the application deadline is on a holiday, the deadline will be extended to the first working day following the holiday.
  • Room Facilities: Subject to the current condition of the room; no facilities or furniture are provided.
  • Notice: 
    1. Please visit the official website of the 1st Division of Property and Business Management of the Office of General Affairs and read following  regulations before applying: the University’s Guidelines for the Lease and Management of the Staff Dormitory,Guidelines for Staff Dormitory Fees, Repair Regulations for the Staff Dormitory and Conventions for Staff Dormitory.
    2. For each announcement period, applicants may choose to apply for residence in either single-room or multiple-room staff dormitories, not for both.
    3. Dormitory rooms will be distributed in accordance with Article 5 of the “University’s Guidelines for the Lease and Management of the Staff Dormitory”, and renting will be prioritized on the basis of the number of points the applicants have. When applicants have an identical number of points, the applicants with longer service in the University will be prioritized. When applicants have the same length of service, lots will be drawn to determine who is prioritized.
    4. People who apply to change to dormitory rooms of the same type and people who had moved out and re-apply to live in the same type of dormitory will have a lower priority than first-time applicants. However, applicants who have minor children and applied to move to another dormitories with more rooms, or who had applied to live in new-teacher dormitories and then applied to move to long-term staff dormitories are not subject to this lower prioritization.
    5. The list of applicants who are allocated dormitory rooms must be approved by the first-level supervisor of the General Affairs Office. These applicants will then be allowed to select a dormitory room according to their level of priority.
    6. Applicants who are allocated a dormitory room but relinquish the right to live in the dormitory before signing the lease will not be allowed to apply again for 1 year, starting from the subsequent dormitory distribution period.
    7. Dormitory vacancies resulting from the applicants who were allocated a room relinquishing their claim to that room or not signing the dormitory contract or completing the notarization process will be filled by the applicant who is next in line with respect to their priority level.
    8. Applicants with special needs may apply for dormitories in different campuses following the approval of the president. Such applicants must follow the regulations of this Guideline and submit their application during the announcement period. The allocation of dormitories is to be based on the points of the applicants. Applicants may rent for a maximum of 3 years and renew their rent once.
    9. Certificate from the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior: For those who apply for Multi-Room Staff Dormitory, if the applicant or their spouse has previously received government-subsidized interest assistance for home purchase loans, please be sure to submit proof of the returned government-subsidized interest during the announcement period. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. The process of repaying loan interest takes more than 20 days, so please apply as soon as possible to avoid affecting your rights.
  • The 4th Faculty Dormitory: The occupants must pay community management fees to the Community Management Committee regularly.
  • Contact the Management Unit: 
    • Ms. Chang
    • Phone: 2826-7000 #62219
    • E-Mail: yunchang@nycu.edu.tw
    • The First Division of Property and Business Management
  • Time to visit the Dorm: At 12:30 P.M. on November 15, 2023.
  • Meeting  place: Taiwan Huisan Coffee at Bo-YA Center
Dormitories that are available for rent


Dormitory Section



/Total Floor


/Per Month
(NT $.)

Types of accommodation

Lease period



山麓村(at  4th  Faculty' Dormitory) B201-2 2/7 13.22 4,267 shared apartment


Female  domitory 


山麓村(at  4th  Faculty' Dormitory) B201-3 2/7 9.92 3,681 shared apartment


 Female  domitory


山麓村(at  4th  Faculty' Dormitory) B301-2 3/7 13.22 4,267 shared apartment 15

Male  domitory 


山麓村(at  4th  Faculty' Dormitory) B401-2 4/7 13.22 4,267 shared apartment 15

Both gender could apply 


山麓村(at  4th  Faculty' Dormitory) B401-3 4/7 9.91 3,681 shared apartment 15

Both gender could apply 


山麓村(at  4th  Faculty' Dormitory) C301 3/7 109.42 11,717 apartment 15 Both gender could apply


山腰村(at  2nd  Faculty' Dormitory) 57 3/5 112.06 6,848 apartment 15 Both gender could apply