


  • 其他

  • 發布日期:113-05-28
  • 更新日期:113-05-28
  • 發布單位:營繕二組
為維護用水安全,將於113年7~9月暑假期間依附件期程日期進行飲用水塔清洗作業, 如需調整清洗日期請於113年5月30日前洽所屬館舍「館舍管理人員」協調後統一回覆光復校區營繕二組。
※  倘遇雨天或特殊原因發生致無法工作時,可能取消施工。
※  敬請各樓管單位於停水日前於建物內協助公告並提早儲水因應。
※  為珍惜用水資源,建請各館舍管理人參酌水塔清洗時程,可預先控管水塔清洗前的儲水量,祈請能盡量減少水量排放所造成的無謂浪費。
※  不便之處敬祈見諒,提早清洗完畢後將提早供水,如遇有特殊困難亦可能延緩恢復供水。

施工廠商:恆發環保科技有限公司   TEL:03-5566633
廠商聯絡人:陳小姐 0985-030-989
承辦單位:營繕二組 戴小姐03-571-2121  分機 31406

Announcement of Tentative Schedule of Cleaning Water Towers at NYCU during Summer Vacation, 2024
(4th Announcement)
(Beimen Campus, Guangfu Campus, Boai Campus and Liujia Campus)

To ensure water safety, the cleaning of water towers will be carried out during the summer vacation from July to September 2024 per the schedule attached. If there is a need to change the cleaning dates, please contact the respective building management personnel before May 30, 2024. Then, the management personnel should coordinate and provide a unified response to 2nd Division of Construction and Maintenance on the Guangfu Campus.

※ In case of rain or unforeseen circumstances that hinder the cleaning operation, the operation may be canceled.
※ We kindly ask all building management units to announce the date of water suspension in the building and plan to store water in advance in response to the water suspension before the designated date.
※ To conserve water resources, we request that all building management personnel consider the schedule for water tower cleaning and proactively control the amount of water stored in water towers before the cleaning operation. We sincerely hope to minimize unnecessary water wastage during the cleaning operation that needs to drain the water towers.
※ Please tolerate any inconvenience caused. The water supply will be resumed earlier if the cleaning completes earlier. However, there might be a delay in resuming the water supply if special difficulties occur.

Construction Contractor: HENG FA Co. Ltd.; Tel.: 03-5566633
Liaison of the Contractor: Ms. Chen
Organizer: Ms. Tai at 2nd Division of Construction and Maintenance; Tel.: 03-571-2121; ext. 31406